1 Rue de la Commune de Paris, 93300 Aubervilliers
1635 - Pierre Le Pescheur or Valeran de Héman
1800 (~) - Dallery
1945 - Louis-Eugène Rochesson
1987 - Robert Chauvin, Benoist & Sarelot
Photos: Antoine Thialler
Notre Dame des Vertus houses one of the oldest organs
of France. It was built in 1630-1635 by Pierre Le Pescheur
or Valeran de Héman. It had 14 stops on the great (48
notes) and an Echo (32 notes). In 1657, Pierre Desenclos
enlarged the Echo and added a pedal (29 notes).
At the beginning of the 19th century, the organ was
restored and enlarged with a Positif (51 notes), probably
by Dallery.
In the second half of the 19th century, the instrument
underwent several interventions and upgrades, but most
of the original pipes were preserved. Before and after the
second world war, Louis-Eugène Rochesson performed a
limited restoration.
In 1987, Robert Chauvin restored the organ to its former
glory, helped by Louis Benoist and Pierre Sarelot. Three
new cuneiform bellows have been installed on the left
side of the buffet.
Une chapelle dédiée à St Christophe et Notre-Dame
est mentionnée à cet emplacement en 1242. Un
miracle survenu en 1336 y attire de très nombreux
Notre-Dame-des-Vertus est reconstruit à la fin du
15ème et au début du 16ème siècle. La tour carrée
de 30m de hauteur est datée de 1541. Il s’agissait
d’un campanile séparé de l’église. La nef est agrandie
entre 1616 et 1621 et la façade de style jésuite est
édifiée en 1618, rattachant ainsi la tour à l’église.
1 Rue de la Commune de Paris, 93300 Aubervilliers
1635 - Pierre Le Pescheur or Valeran de Héman
1800 (~) - Dallery
1945 - Louis-Eugène Rochesson
1987 - Robert Chauvin, Benoist & Sarelot
Photos: Antoine Thialler
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt ALL ORGANS
Notre Dame des Vertus houses one of the oldest organs of
France. It was built in 1630-1635 by Pierre Le Pescheur or
Valeran de Héman. It had 14 stops on the great (48 notes)
and an Echo (32 notes). In 1657, Pierre Desenclos enlarged
the Echo and added a pedal (29 notes).
At the beginning of the 19th century, the organ was
restored and enlarged with a Positif (51 notes), probably
by Dallery.
In the second half of the 19th century, the instrument
underwent several interventions and upgrades, but most
of the original pipes were preserved. Before and after the
second world war, Louis-Eugène Rochesson performed a
limited restoration.
In 1987, Robert Chauvin restored the organ to its former
glory, helped by Louis Benoist and Pierre Sarelot. Three
new cuneiform bellows have been installed on the left side
of the buffet.