The organs of Paris
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt HOME ALL ORGANS


Notre Dame

82, rue Raymond du Temple, 94300 Vincennes

1848 - Stoltz brothers

19xx - Gutschenritter

1994 - Claude Jaccard

II/20 - mechanical traction

Grand Orgue Bourdon 16 - Montre 8 - Bourdon8 - Prestant 4 - Quinte - Doubeltte 2 - Basson 16 - Trompette 8 - Clairon 4 Récit Bourdon 8 - Gambe 8 - Diapason 8 - Flûte octaviante 4 - Voix celeste 8 - Trompette 8 - Basson-hautbois 8 - Voix humaine 8 Pédalier Soubasse 16 - Basse 8 - Bombarde 16
Notre-Dame-de-Vincennes was built in 1830 and enlarged in 1896 and 1936. The architect was Jean- Baptiste Lesueur. The new church is a typical example of the neoclassical architecture of the beginning of the nineteenth century.
The organ was bult by the brothers Stoltz in 1848. A pedalsection was added later. In the 20th century, works were done by Guitschenritter. The organ was completey revoiced in 1992-1994 by Claude Jaccard in a neo-classical direction. The original Flûte harmonique was replace by a Basson 16, the Nasard by a Doublette and another stop of Stoltz was replaced by a Quinte.
Organiste titulaire Christophe Guida Concerts Never Masses with organ Saturday 6 p.m., Sunday 9.30, 11 a.m., 6 p.m. Video Jean-Luc Thellin
Organs of Paris


Notre Dame

82, rue Raymond du Temple, 94300 Vincennes

1848 - Stoltz brothers

19xx - Gutschenritter

1994 - Claude Jaccard

II/20 - mechanical traction

Grand Orgue Bourdon 16 - Montre 8 - Bourdon8 - Prestant 4 - Quinte - Doubeltte 2 - Basson 16 - Trompette 8 - Clairon 4 Récit Bourdon 8 - Gambe 8 - Diapason 8 - Flûte octaviante 4 - Voix celeste 8 - Trompette 8 - Basson-hautbois 8 - Voix humaine 8 Pédalier Soubasse 16 - Basse 8 - Bombarde 16
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt ALL ORGANS
Organiste titulaire Christophe Guida Concerts Never Masses with organ Saturday 6 p.m., Sunday 9.30, 11 a.m., 6 p.m. Video Jean-Luc Thellin
The organ was bult by the brothers Stoltz in 1848. A pedalsection was added later. In the 20th century, works were done by Guitschenritter. The organ was completey revoiced in 1992-1994 by Claude Jaccard in a neo-classical direction. The original Flûte harmonique was replace by a Basson 16, the Nasard by a Doublette and another stop of Stoltz was replaced by a Quinte.