Photos: Didier HugonDetails console: Vincent Hildebrandt
The building was built from 1932 to 1933 by architects Marc Brillaud de Laujardière (winner of the Prix de Rome in 1920) and Raymond Puthomme who were inspired by the church of Notre-Dame du Raincy. They achieved the feat of transforming a cramped and landlocked terrain with unadvantageous geometries, into a luminous architectural setting in the purest Art Deco style, with a perfect mastery of the new techniques of reinforced concrete. Source : Wikipedia
The organ of the Cavaillé-Coll House was installed at its current location by Isambert between 1934 and 1936. The console (of Isambert) is located in the center of the gallery, facing the choir (previously installed on the small left stand).The organ is "invisible", in fact hidden behind a decorative façade, work of Richard Desvallières, in gilded bronze with marble frame. The organ case presents in the lower part a lyre and trumpets and at the top an angel playing a double trumpet, accompanied by two other angels who raise a curtain thus discovering the table of notes.Source: Association des Amis de Sainte-Agnès d'Alfort
The organ of the Cavaillé-Coll House was installed at its current location by Isambert between 1934 and 1936. The console (of Isambert) is located in the center of the gallery, facing the choir (previously installed on the small left stand).The organ is "invisible", in fact hidden behind a decorative façade, work of Richard Desvallières, in gilded bronze with marble frame. The organ case presents in the lower part a lyre and trumpets and at the top an angel playing a double trumpet, accompanied by two other angels who raise a curtain thus discovering the table of notes.Source: Association des Amis de Sainte-Agnès d'Alfort